"...We were inspired by you. We are reaching out to you asking how you got the money? What kind of fundraising things did you do? The cost for us is pretty high so we will need to do a lot of fundraising. Thank you for the help." A young girl from Richford middle school wrote to me in an email a few weeks ago.
This inquiry, so simple, and yet, so profound, has created it's own inspiration for me. I was starting to feel like the $500 I had to give back to the community which has supported me so generously was too small of a sum to have much of an impact. I had sort of resigned myself to giving the funds to one young person to help them pursue their dream. But any solution you have to resign yourself to is far from its potential and I knew it.
So when my friend Hila Shooter's mum suggested I buy copies of the book her daughter wrote to pass on the gift, I jumped at the opportunity. Ticket to Ride is an incredibly well written, to the point, and useful guide to fundraising for teens which Hila wrote after her experience fundraising for the same semester program I participated in this fall. It is a truly phenomenal book and I am honored to have the opportunity to pass it on.
Thus far, I have given the book to three young people from the area and I look forward to continuing to give them out to people who need them. I have opened a bank account to pay for shipping the books, and I am hoping that eventually the project will be able to sustain itself if people who can afford to spend the $15 to buy the book contribute to the fund and help those who can't have access to the book.
If there is a ticket you don't have the resources to buy, or if you know someone who has been dreaming of an adventure they never thought they could manifest, please send me an email by sending me a Ticket to Ride book request on the left side bar. I would be happy to send you a copy and help edit fundraising letters, plan events, etc. Just send me a brief message explaining your project and your address, and I will send you a book!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me,
Love, peace and inspiration,
PS. Check out the book through the link below!
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