Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Great Celebration

The Ecuadorian dinner and silent auction was not only a fundraiser, but a celebration; a celebration of community, good food, friendship, open mindedness and of goals reached! With the help of many friends, local farms and businesses, River Arts, and the generosity of the many who attended (and didn't attend but sent a contribution), the event raised $1,730, more than enough to cover the rest of my expenses for Kroka! This means there will be some money left over that I can use to give back to the community in some way. I haven't decided how this money will be spent yet, but I am determined to find a way to use it that will have a large impact. 

The list of people to thank is long and diverse, but please do take the time to read it. Every person and organization that contributed towards this event made a huge difference. 

-River Arts, for their beautiful space.

-Jake Burton and Lace Goff, who helped cook all three days and were an immense support. 

-Nancy and Duncan, who helped advertise, bought the wine, and reminded me of all the little details that I needed to figure out. 

-Clare, Jeremy, Julia, Jan, Erica, Ona, Donna, Patti, Gerette, Caro, and Suzanne (and Jake and Lace), for being the best serving, cleaning, plating and cooking crew I could ever have dreamed of and allowing me to enjoy the evening and talk with the guests. 

-Applecheek Farm, for donating the eggs and ground beef for the flan and beef empanadas. 

-Footebrook Farm, for donating the lettuce and tomatoes for the salad. 

-Hannafords, for donating a $30 gift card that helped mitigate expenses.

-Nancy and Colyn, for donating an aerial tour of Northern Vermont and a pony ride for silent auction.  

-Jayne and Jamie, for donating a digital picture frame for the silent auction. 

-Chuck's Bikes, for donating a helmet and biking backpack to the silent auction. 

-Heartbeet Lifesharing, for donating a beautiful felted picture and bringing 10 guests.

-And last, but certainly not least, Artemis Joukowsky, for doubling the funds raised from this event and for bringing the inspiration of his film, Two Who Dared, to the world. If you still haven't watched the trailer, please do, it is an important film to watch. The website has more information about the film


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