Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Plethora of Thanks

I feel like the boy who cried wolf at this point. I've said thank you so many times, I can't imagine it's very easy to believe this thank you is just as heartfelt as the rest, or that all of them expressed pure gratitude, but there have just been so many things to be thankful for that I can't help but overuse the words.

I wish there was a better expression, or more expressions for this feeling! isn't too helpful...the only alternates it could find for thank you are danke, gracias, merci, much obliged, and thanks. I mean really, only two of those are actually in English, thanks is just an abridged version of thank you and much obliged has an even less powerful connotation than thank you.

 It doesn't make any sense; we have more words to describe the color blue in our language than we have to convey the feeling of gratitude. "Love" has the same problem. Just as blue has an infinite number of hues and undertones, love and gratitude come in endless arrays of intensity and intention. Shouldn't there be a different word to describe the way you love your brother as apposed to the way you love peanuts?

But perhaps it's better this way. If we had a lot of words to articulate these complex feelings, than we could pretend that we were really telling each other exactly what we meant. We could think that just because we had a special word for thanking a large group of people for a huge gift, that the word manifested every detail of the experience that created the feeling. We could presume that whoever we were communicating with would completely understand what we meant and that words are as clear as feelings.

In truth, no word is perfect. No word can describe precisely how much joy, inspiration and gratitude you have all awakened in my heart by making this dream a reality, so when I say thank you, you have to transform them into what they mean to you. You have to hear those simple, overused, words, and see the depth of their ability to express a feeling and know just how much your support has meant to me.

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